Vinearts gallery
The VineArts Gallery is located inside Vineyard Boise Church. We installed our gallery in a long, wide hallway that runs along the outside wall of our sanctuary, so our shows get a lot of traffic. The gallery is managed by our director and a team of dedicated volunteers.
We launched our gallery in 2005. We display the artwork of church members and non-members side by side, artists and non-artists, kids and adults. There is no entry fee. Works are not for sale during exhibits, but many sales are privately arranged between artist and buyer and carried out after exhibits are taken down. We don’t charge a commission on sales.
Come and visit!
Vineyard Boise Christian Fellowship
4950 N Bradley St. Garden City, ID 83714
Enter through the office doors on the west side.
OPEN Hours:
Monday through Thursday: 9am to 5pm
Sundays: 8:00 am to 1:00pm
Our shows run two times a year. They’re themed exhibits, which means that they are juried for content (theological and thematic). We don’t jury for artistic excellence, only giving advice for presentation improvements when asked. Yet we’ve seen the level of excellence and professionalism skyrocket over the years. From the beginning, each art show has featured approximately 30 artists with up to 70 pieces of art displayed, conveying a unified theme for a deeply moving and cohesive experience.